About Me

Since I don’t like long speeches, I’ll make it easier for you to read.

My name ? Sophie

My age ? 20 something …

My travel experience ? Since 2012

Why this name Wander & So ? I wanted a name that reminds my passion for traveling (in every way possible not just going somewhere else) and also, my passion for beauty. So Wander is a reminder of travel, wandering, and discoveries. & So is for talking about other themes, and also because it is my short name. I found it nice together so, Wander & So !

Why start a blog ? I enjoyed traveling for the last few years and back then, I still was a student, I haven’t much money to spend on travels. So I had to spend it safely and wisely. It’s by surfing the Web, from forum to forum, or blog to blog, that I found the best advice and experiences in order to make my choices. So, I decided to give back to the community and share my experiences and my extra advice you could find/look for. Anyway, one opinion more doesn’t hurt, right ?

Want to know more about me, hereafter …

Where do I come from ? Suburb of Paris

Any origins ? Yes my parents are Cambodian, but I was born in France

Star sign ? Capricorn ! So do you ? Awesome !! If not, it’s ok :p

What travel brings me ? Total escape, wonder, culture, personal achievement. I want to feel « alive » and not just a robot conditioned to go to work, come home and go to sleep ! I want to tell myself « this is life » !

Here is a piece of me that I share with you, I hope it will make you know me better and understand the spirit of this blog.

See you,



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